My children go to a Catholic school. I am Catholic my husband is not, but this is the route we decided to take. I love the school, I love the staff, but there are some volunteers that have to go.
A group of moms run a lunch time activity group. They are all jazzed about their "Christ centered" activities. Whatever. My daughter goes to it sometimes, my son would rather run a cheese grater over his head than give up his lunch recess to colour pictures of Jesus.
The other day while I am driving my daughter to one her activites she is telling me about that day's Jumpin' For Jesus group. They were talking about Noah and the Ark. They were told that animals that used to exsist (I need to warn you before you read any further, if you are drinking or eating you may want to make sure you mouth is empty and your airway is clear) like dinosaurs and unicorns don't exsist now becuase they didn't get on the ark.
No, I am not shitting you here. Dinosaurs and unicorns, missed the boat.
I was more than a little relieved when I looked at my daughter and she said, "Yeah, didn't dinosaurs just die? And unicorns? Mom, do you think the Jumpin' for Jesus moms really think unicorns are real?"
If she comes home this week with a disc of the earth we will totally be looking at new schools.
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